This AccountsApp is a membership subscription service offered for one year with the option of renewal. During the one year period, you will be given access to all updates of the resources and additional features to enhance study. The virtual classes will remain a paid opportunity for persons needing tutorship and high results.
Kindly note that your payment is non-refundable and non-transferable. The subscription period is one year, or one month in the case of the virtual classes.
You will need to complete registration after placing your order. Here, you will be required to create your own username and password so that you will be able to login to the AccountsApp resources. Clicking submit would automatically take you to the AccountsApp.
If you are a school administrator, you will need to submit a school directory, using one page for each teacher and his or her students. Allow them to use the school admin’s username and password to access the AccountsApp contents page, where each one can register by creating a personal username and password, which would result in an automatic re-login and access to the AccountsApp.
Having read and understood the terms and conditions, I do hereby agree to use this AccountsApp for study during the period of one month for virtual classes and/or one year, with the option of renewal.